The Patio Enclosure Maintenance Is Extremely Important For A Homeowner

You could always need the services of a professional team offering to install patio enclosure Palo Alto and this is the trend. There is surely an enhancement in property value via these constructions and the uptick in your home value in the market may simply double. It offers a great return on your investment.

The Patio Enclosure Maintenance Is Extremely Important For A Homeowner

There are more benefits and if you desire to enjoy the atmosphere on fine weather days, these constructions come in handy. It is without having to bear the sun or rain that you can get a feel of the exteriors.

You are welcome to use our service for patio construction and maintenance. We will guide you on the measures to take in this regard.

The Patio Needs Maintenance

It will be a great mistake if you just have the construction in place and not maintain it. There is a need to maintain the patio enclosure Palo Alto and the requirement for care to this place is more than the main building. It is because this is a part of the home, which is exposed to nature and requires special maintenance. Here are the benefits of maintaining the patio.

Prevent wear & tear

Despite the strong build, the constant exposure to nature results in wear & tear. By regularly maintaining the patio, you can prevent it.


Regular maintenance work on the patio enhances its lifespan.

Enhanced home value

Are you planning to sell the home? Every bit of detail counts and by maintaining the patio, you can expect a higher resale value for your home.

Maintenance Tips For Your Patio

Here are some things you can resort to in the quest to clean and maintain your patio. The scope of work is varied.

The Basic Sweep With The Broom

One of the basic functions, which you must do at least once a week, is to clean the patio with a broom. This should help to keep the debris in this place to a minimum state. You must however move the furniture, plants, and grills away from the patio so that the cleaning-up exercise is the best.

The Pressure Washing Of The Patio

This is an effective cleaning technique and one could also apply it on the patio if the dirt accumulation is slightly on a bigger scale. The simple pressure wash may not do and after that, one must apply a cleaning solution. It is around springtime that one must book a pressure washing service from a professional contractor and the patio should look great for the entire season. There is a need to realize that pressure washing is a professional job and you will need to involve the experts. The reason is that you will need equipment and technical knowledge to do that job. It is better to trust a professional contractor for this job.

The Cracks And Damage Should Receive Instant Attention

There could always be cracks in the pavers and one may also come across missing pieces. These are damages that you must fix immediately before it gets large. There is however a need to seek professional help from the patio contractors to fix these pavers.

Luxury Patio Enclosure

Professional Patio Maintenance Work

There could be more to tackle and the patio area is also known to form mold, and mild dew due to the presence of excessive moisture. As patio contractors, we have the experience and technical equipment to handle the situation. You are welcome to contact us for such type of work.


  • Worn out surfaces

  • Cracked paving stones

  • Weed growth in between

You should clean the patio at least three to four times a year.

You must swill soapy water onto the surface and then scrub with a brush to loosen the dirt.

Apply vinegar with a 1.1 ratio of water and soak this mixture for about 15 to 20 minutes. The patio is then cleaned with a scrubber and finally rinsed with clean water.

Start Your Patio Design Project With Us Today!